
OTP Email verification API provided by PayPI (out of the kindness of our little hearts)

The EmailVerify API ensures an email address exists and that the user you are interacting with is the owner of the email address.

We do this by sending them a 6 digit code which they then give back to you to verify that they have access to the email account.


Email verification is an incredibly useful tool to help users avoid later frustration if they've incorrectly typed their email address and gives you peace of mind that the users signing up on your site are the owners of the addresses they're using.

  • Verifying a user has typed their email correctly.

  • Be sure a user owns the email address they're creating an account for.

  • Ensuring an email exists before submitting a form.

  • Prevent abusive use of others email addresses.

  • As a 2FA challenge

How does it work

1. Send a verification code

Retrieve the email address from the user, then send them a verification email using the /sendCode endpoint:

Send verification code

POST https://ev.apis.paypi.dev/sendCode

This request send's a code to the given email address, which should be returned to check it is correct.

All emails are sent from emailverify@paypi.dev


Request Body

    success: true,
    message: "Verification email sent"

2. Check the verification code

The user should receive an email immediately with a 6 digit code, they should then give this code to you, and your backend can check it via the /checkCode endpoint:

Check verification code

POST https://ev.apis.paypi.dev/checkCode

Checks the user's emailed code is valid.

If this returns success=true, you can safely assume the user you are interacting with is the owner of that email address.


Request Body

      success: true,
      message: "email successfully verified"

Last updated